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⚠️Ground Rules​​

1. Copyright, IP and Data Management

    1. The books on geNiUSbooks and the videos on geNiUSchannel (each an “Original Work”) will be created and shared by Users who are authors or editors (“Authors”) for use within NUS. All content shared on geNiUSjourney, geNiUSbooks or geNiUSchannel must be original or, if any third party content is to be incorporated or shared as part of an Original Work, to ensure the use of such third party content is in accordance with sub-clause (b) below.

    2. The Author of the Original Work owns the copyright. By contributing or posting an Original Work, the Author agrees that Users can translate, distribute, remix, adapt, build upon the Author’s Original Work for non-commercial and/or educational purposes, as long as they credit the Author for the original creation.

    3. It is the Authors’ responsibility to ensure that they do not infringe any intellectual property rights when incorporating third party content in their Original Works. Prior permission of the appropriate copyright holder must be sought to incorporate or share the third party content. In a situation where copyright permission is not required (e.g., where the copyright protection period has expired), or has already been granted (e.g., under a ( licence), Authors must still properly credit or attribute such third party content. Failure of the Author to obtain proper copyright permission may result in the copyright owner suing the Author for copyright infringement

    4. All Users must comply with Singapore’s copyright laws. The Singapore Copyright Act contains exceptions to copyright infringement in certain educational settings. Please refer to the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore’s infosheet on “Copyright for Educators” for more information. NUS staff can bring themselves under the scope of these exceptions when preparing instructional materials for teaching NUS students. However, these exceptions do not apply when staff prepare instructional materials for a course that is open to the public e.g., massive open online courses, or when staff upload instructional materials to public websites and file repositories. Staff will be expected to comply with all applicable copyright laws of Singapore in such situations. You may also refer to the terms and conditions for the geNiUSchannel.

    5. The creation, ownership and use of the Original Works are subject to legal, contractual, policy, privacy or rights restrictions as applicable, in accordance with (but not limited to) the NUS Policies Relating to University Intellectual Property, NUS Research Data Management Policy and NUS Data Management Policy, NUS Instructional Materials Management Policy and Singapore Copyright Act (Cap 63) and Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA).

    6. NUS may ask permission from Authors to share their selected Original Works outside of NUS.

2. General Terms and Conditions

    1. By posting an Original Work on the platforms, the Author agrees to share their Original Work with Users for educational purposes. Users may use ‘as is’ or build upon any Original Work with the author’s permission for educational purposes, but may not sell the modified version or share them in the public domain.

        • geNiUSchannel:
          • Current geNiUSchannel platform default settings do not allow Users to download the videos. Users can bookmark the video and make notes with the timestamp.
          • An Author can change the default setting for his/her video uploaded to geNiUSchannel to allow Users to download his/her video. Users can modify the downloaded video, save a copy of the modified video and upload the modified video.
        • geNiUSbooks:
          • By default, Users can only view Sway books. They can duplicate the Author’s Sway book in order to make changes to it but they cannot overwrite or replace the Author’s Sway book.
          • If an Author of a Sway book chooses to give ‘edit’ permission to allow Users to make changes to it, Users can modify the Author’s Sway book and the changes are saved in the same Sway book (i.e., collaborative editing).
    2. Even if a User has altered or customised an existing Original Work, the said existing Original Work still belongs to the original Author Ownership of the copyright to an adapted Original Work is subject to assessment under existing copyright laws and the User shall not sell or share in the public domain such adapted Original Works.

    3. In the use of the geNiUSjourney, geNiUSbooks or geNiUSchannel platforms, Users must adhere to basic mutual respect and consent ground rules:

        • Do not create content or memes of your peers, colleagues and staff to mock or embarrass them

        • Do not post violent, discriminatory, mean or unflattering expressions

        • Do not include inappropriate materials, e.g., profanity, obscenity, nudity, etc.

        • Respect the political and religious opinions of others.

    4. If your Original Work captures an image of an identifiable individual or if an individual can be identified from an audio and video recording, please obtain that person’s prior permission in writing (e.g., email) (unless exempted from doing so in compliance to the Singapore PDPA such as personal data that is publicly available*), and retain the written confirmation as NUS may request for the written confirmation for verification. (This is to ensure that NUS complies with its obligations under the PDPA.) Alternatively, you should process the Original Work so that the individual cannot be identified. An exception to the above would be if the individual(s) was in a public area generally open to the public when the image, video and audio recording was taken as that would then constitute publicly available data for which consent to collect/disclose is not required.

    5. NUS reserves the right, at any time and from time to time, to make changes to the whole or any part of these ground rules in the use of geNiUSjourney, geNiUSchannel and geNiUSbooks, as it deems appropriate without notice.

    6. By accessing or using any of these platforms, or any of its related sites, you accept the terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with any part of the terms and conditions, you must not use geNiUSjourney, geNiUSbooks or geNiUSchannel, or any of its related sites.* ‘Publicly available’ in relation to personal data about an individual, means personal data that is generally available to the public. This includes personal data which can be observed by reasonably expected means at a location or an event – (a) at which the individual appears; and (b) that is open to the public. (Source:
  • Take Down Policy

    NUS reserves the right to restrict access to or remove any content on the geNiUSjourney, geNiUSbooks and the geNiUSchannel platforms if the content or material is found to be in violation of the terms and conditions.

    Disclaimers and Liability

    Users hereby undertake to indemnify and hold harmless NUS at all times, against all actions, claims, proceedings, costs, claims, demands, liabilities and expenses whatsoever (including legal and other fees and disbursements) sustained or incurred by NUS, directly or indirectly, in connection with or as a result of their breach of any of the terms and conditions herein.
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